Monday, 24 September 2012

Husband Appreciation Day

I know there are a lot of jokes about husbands being slackers, but if that were always true, I think fewer of us would be married. 

And yes, I know the divorce rate is increasing, but they started off married. 

My husband has been gone for a few days now, and there are a few things I have accomplished since then, namely; I put an adhesive strip around the tub to seal it, I did all of our laundry, and I managed to attend the last half of church after having seen my parents do their half marathon. 
To be honest, I get a lot of stuff done normally, but I like to do even more when my husband is gone because I have less distractions, and I want to keep myself busy. 

I realise that this is sounding a little conceited, and that's not really the point - so I will get to the point. I used to not miss him as much when he went to Israel, or Belize, but now, I just want him to stay here. All the time. For some reason, while he's gone, the Brita water container is always empty, and the dog keeps bugging me to get let out. Weird. 

All this to say, I have a pretty great husband. High five to all of us smart enough to know how to pick 'em! 

{Daily Odd Compliment: 
You know in Home Alone 2 when the homeless lady in the park throws bird seeds at Harry and Marv, and they're like "No, not birdseed! This is bothersome!" That's so resourceful. That's like something you would do.}

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Genius fix

One of my pet peeves is to organise something and then have a family member disregard my awesomeness.

I have recently realised, however, that maybe it's not their fault. I need to find better storage and organisation solutions. I am ALWAYS on the lookout for new ways to reuse or improve something! This may be my first post about specific organisational ways that improve my family life, but rest assured, it won't be the last! 
Here are my most recent 'ah ha' finds...

I know I can sometimes be a little picky, but I am especially picky about my towels. Who wants to use the same towel as their husband? I'm sure people do, and that's fine... but not for me! If I am ever unsure as to whose towel is hanging, I wash it - it's not worth the risk! What if I use a certain part of the towel to dry off my face?! Gross. 
Anyway, here is what I have come up with - clothespins with our names on it so we know which towel belongs on whose body! 
I am pretty proud of myself because I actually didn't steal this from Pinterest!

{ Side note (pun intended): I came up with this idea in the shower a few months ago, but because I had nowhere to write it down, I forgot about it as soon as I stepped out of the shower. My husband mocked teased me when I saw this shower note pad, but I really want one! A lot! }

This next one, however, is a modification of the tension rod under sink, which I did take from Pinterest. 
 The Professor currently doesn't have a closet because the closet space in this house was thought up by a bunch of nudists. Most of his clothes fit into his wardrobe, but there are still some pieces that I want to hang. So, I put a tension rod between the wardrobe and the wall - tada! I guess it's not the most original thing around, but hey - it works!

The last thing, really isn't that spectacular, but more practical. 
This bookcase is hiding (sorta) our billions of TV related cords. I put all the movies that were on the bottom shelf into a basket. I am just starting to get into hardcore babyproofing, so this is one of those things. Now, when The Professor is up and about, I can simply lift the basket onto the table and it's out of his reach. To the left of the bookcase, which isn't super obvious, but I wedged a mirror in between the wall and the bookcase to keep him away from the wires, and who doesn't love looking into a mirror?!

That's it for now! If you have some genius storage tips - please share! 

{Daily Odd Compliment: You're like Britney Spears before she married Kevin Federline. I don't think I need to explain myself any further.}

Monday, 17 September 2012

DIY Bridal Shower

This is my first time being a Maid of Honor, and definitely my first time organising a bridal shower! 
I tried to make as much as possible, to make it both affordable and personalised...

I started off with a theme... that was the easy part!
I asked all guests to keep that in mind when thinking of a gift.
I bought a few containers, and reused a few I already had, as Mel's gifts.
I had a wonderful vision of the sun shinning on the rooftop... red and purple balloons floating around... and the best cake ever...

I was pretty close! The sun shone for most of it. Once the rain started, we moved inside and had some yummy cake!

This is what the everything looked like...

I bought the green storage bin to house boxes of crayons I collected from the guests, for Wedding decorations. The storage bin and shower curtain I used as a table cloth, adhere to Mel's bathroom theme. I also got all the guests to sign the shower curtain with sweet words and advice so that Mel can be reminded how much we love her the next time she takes a shower. 
The frame and the purple striped box, I made. 
I went to bulk barn and got candy to fill 4 jars as prizes. I also made sure to get enough candy to use for the party favours. 
I also bought a set of 3 pink shallow dividers to house the utensils at the party, which match Mel's bathroom colours. 
Here's a little more detail...
 First, I roughly cut a rectangular piece of material, using the frame as a guide. Then, cut 2 smaller pieces and placed them in a diagonal. I folded the seams twice over, then ironed them (mostly to avoid changing out the thread in my sewing machine... and I would have had to iron it anyway... that's my logic).
 Next, I placed the 3 pieces together again, laid the cardboard into the frame, and cut the edges of the fabric more closely (that's the pile of scraps you see).

 I put markers in this pretty desk organiser at the party, which we used for the games. 

 Next, I made a cute little box, which Mel says she will be using for mail...
 I took a box of tissues, wrapped it with a pretty bag I had, and hot glued it into place. I left the handle because I thought it was neat and possibly useful.

That was pretty much it! It was a small group, so I didn't need a whole lot. 

Thanks for stopping by! As always, I hope you can draw inspiration and make fun things for your next party!

{Daily Odd Compliment: You're the cutest thing since animals decided to stop growing and started jumping into teacups. Which, I know, is a pretty recently phenomenon, but it is so darn cute.}

Friday, 7 September 2012

Serene lunchtime

Yes, serene.

The baby slept, so I sat outside in the sun, then made some lunch. As I ate, I watched
Easy A, which reminded me of when Jay and I went to see that movie on a rainy Friday, during our honeymoon in Boston.
I love September!

With both our birthdays coming up, as well as the bridal shower (coming soon to a post near you) and bachelorette party, there's lots of energy in our house! I almost forgot! JOURNEY!
I can't wait!

{Daily Odd Compliment: Your eyes are as blue as the ocean. Unless they're not.}

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Challenge: Update

This is awkward... I haven't made much progress.

The only consolation I have is that I haven't been able to blog recently because I have been doing a bit of exercise. Yesterday, I went on a hike with The Professor saddled to my back. He loved it! I also enjoyed it.. for about an hour..

I read a friend of mine's tumblr post about getting a "runner's high" during spinning class and I was motivated! I want that feeling! I'm gonna climb 12 mountains if that's what it takes! 30 degrees and 30 pounds of baby later.. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, do I really need to go into those woods, guns blazing? I'm not gonna lie, I felt really accomplished afterwards, but I know I can do better!

Next week - I'm gonna run up at least 2 hills! Running up 1 just wasn't enough...

And completely off topic - check out my favourite picture I took during a mini engagement shoot...

{Daily Odd Compliment: If you were Princess Aurora, and I was Prince Phillip, I would have kissed you so fast you would not have even had a chance to enter REM sleep. You would have been all, "Oh no, I'm getting sleepy. Won't be long now..." And I would have been like, "Naw." And then I would have kissed you and lifted the curse.}