Monday, 24 September 2012

Husband Appreciation Day

I know there are a lot of jokes about husbands being slackers, but if that were always true, I think fewer of us would be married. 

And yes, I know the divorce rate is increasing, but they started off married. 

My husband has been gone for a few days now, and there are a few things I have accomplished since then, namely; I put an adhesive strip around the tub to seal it, I did all of our laundry, and I managed to attend the last half of church after having seen my parents do their half marathon. 
To be honest, I get a lot of stuff done normally, but I like to do even more when my husband is gone because I have less distractions, and I want to keep myself busy. 

I realise that this is sounding a little conceited, and that's not really the point - so I will get to the point. I used to not miss him as much when he went to Israel, or Belize, but now, I just want him to stay here. All the time. For some reason, while he's gone, the Brita water container is always empty, and the dog keeps bugging me to get let out. Weird. 

All this to say, I have a pretty great husband. High five to all of us smart enough to know how to pick 'em! 

{Daily Odd Compliment: 
You know in Home Alone 2 when the homeless lady in the park throws bird seeds at Harry and Marv, and they're like "No, not birdseed! This is bothersome!" That's so resourceful. That's like something you would do.}

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