Friday, 22 May 2015

Me Without My Cape

Time Out. 

I like to think that I'm a reasonable person. 
I have goals, I make plans, and I get shit done. But sometimes, I like to focus on other things. 

I've been working decently hard lately (with the extraordinary help of my mother) for my business. I wake up thinking about furniture. I make dinner while wondering how to order a sign for my front yard. I clean scrapes off my 3 year old while thinking about future events and how to market them. 

Every. Single. Day. 

But there's something else that occupies real estate in my brain. A something, that happens to be a someone. I'm not talking about the 3 year old overgrown leech, but rather, the someone that lives too far for me to want to think of in terms of a number... But I know it by heart... 3319 km. 

Anyone who has ever been (or currently is) in a long distance, will tell you that only seeing someone sporadically, is the worst feeling. You know that moment when you were playing the original Mario and you were down to one life, just to get hit by Bowser? It's like that. 

Every. Single. Day. 

Random phone calls and texts are just as awesome as finishing a level, but you know that there's evil lurking around the next corner, and in a long distance relationship - it's the night. Bowser ain't got shit on the feels that appear after nightfall! 

But it's not all bad. Just like any other relationship (romantic or not), there are many a few perks to maintaining a friendship across the country. 

1. You get to hear about the weather - as is happens - in a different time zone! 
Ok, so we don't usually associate weather with excitement, but when someone you care about is sitting in the bright afternoon sun, and you have just watched it go down, it's basically like being able to tell them the future. "Don't worry, you won't need your sunglasses in 2 hours." It's exciting. 

2. Since you know that you won't get to see this person daily, every text is like a rainbow, being poured from a pot of gold by a leprechaun, riding a unicorn. 

3. And then there's snail mail - my personal favourite! 
Whether it's a card to say hi, or 2 giant bags of chocolate that you receive for Valentine's day (even though you both agreed not to do anything), it means a great deal that someone is thinking of you like that. 

I often ask myself whether or not I am making the right choice by starting my own business, from scratch, by myself. I don't think the answer to that will come easily, so sometimes it's nice to shut my brain off and just appreciate that there are people around me who are here for me. To all those who have helped me get to this point, both near and far, I thank you greatly. 

Life doesn't hand us 3 lives, nor does it give us the option to cheat our way into being immortal, but it does give us the chance to try new things, and that's the part that I like to go for. I may not be making the all the right decisions now, but I feel pretty confident that some of my left turns will lead me to some kick ass things too. 

That's the part of me that's human. No supermom cape. 

{Daily Odd Compliment:  I like you as much as a cat likes to be left alone. "Don't touch me." That was the cat}

1 comment:

  1. Keep going! You're awesome (Like, poutine awesome!)!
