Tuesday, 10 January 2017

The Rustle of the Leaves

The wind of change are blowing. Again.

This one, however, was not actually prompted by me. I have had to put a temporary hold on Travelling Tails, while I move to a smaller place. Hopefully, it's just for a few months, but who knows!

So, in light of my diminishing living spaces (and to distract me from the sadness of no longer hosting), I have been focusing my attention to finding ways to storing stuff more efficiently and practically.

I tried to make a cat hammock (this inspired me), but I failed - miserably! I had the idea to use metal hangers, since they suck for actual clothes (and were left by one of the previous roommates), and of course, I hate getting rid of stuff if I can use it! I did, however, find a way to make toilet paper storage look cute!

Let me tell you - packing up/organising a house while it is being renovated, having 2 December birthdays, AND having Christmas be around the corner - is a lot more challenging than I would have thought! It's basically a mad dash to get stuff into a box before it gets caked in dust, or accidentally wrapped! I was dusting off and cleaning everything before it got packed away - which I guess is good - but it also felt like triple the effort!

Once all my stuff made it into a box (or the back of the van), it was nice to be in my own space. I already miss the potential of hosting guests, but I am always open to friends coming to stay! (hint hint!) 

Now that some dust has settled, I am putting my energy into maximizing the oddly shaped closets and shelves (which are all crooked and teeny!) So if you have any DIYs or miracle space saving tips - send 'em my way!

Stayed tuned for Travelling Tails' next move!

{Daily Odd Compliment: If you're reading this, you have nice legs. And can read. Congrats on both, friend.}


  1. If the rooms are small you can go to Habitat for humanity and grab some kitchen counters put them against the walls (hang them all the way up) both sides of the bed i.e. my arts & craft room and use them instead of drawers. Since they are less deep we see everything that is folded and put on the shelves and you can store a lot more stuff.

    1. That's a very good idea.. but I should add that I don't really want to put anything on the walls since I'm renting.

  2. I also lowered the shelf in the closet and added a second one on top in all my closets. That is where I kept my extra blankets and long term storage stuff.

    1. I don't have a lot of "extras" of much, haha. And for some reason, all the ceilings upstairs are very low, so there isn't room to put another shelf, but I did add a shelf above the laundry area so I'll post a picture and updates on the organizing later :) Thanks for the tips!!
