Thursday, 30 July 2015

It's about time for an update.

I wish I could say that I have been losing sleep over all the laundry I am doing because of clients.. but I'm not. I have only had 1 people client, and a few dog clients. 

(Doesn't that look comfy?!)

My people clients were fantastic, mostly because they are some of my favorite people - one of my oldest friends who I admire and am the most like as a mom.

(Isn't she adorable?!)

But enough about my quiet house - onto the more exciting things I have done at Travelling Tails recently!

I made these awesome Catan shaped pancakes with my Catan cookie cutter (that I got for free, but took months to actually get to me!). It was totally worth the wait because these pancakes were fun to make, gluten free, and delicious! 
If you're interested in more yummy treats like these, check out my online bakery!

At the beginning of June, I got to be a chaperon for a few kids in Abby's class, as we went to Upper Canada Village. My mom and sister came along too to take care of The Professor, which was great!

Then came the Kemptville Ribfest!
3 days of BBQ pork, face painting, a petting zoo, bouncy castles, and ice cream!

I saved the best for last! 
Lisa roped me into volunteering for the dunk tank, as part of the fundraising for relay for life.

Even though we walked away with completely numb limbs, it was so much fun! 
The dunk tank and pie throwing were put on by Tom Clowncy and Friends, and they are fun people!
Yes, I would totally do it again! Maybe next time, they (relay for life organizers) will place the dunk tank in the sun!

Coming up next - a few 30th birthdays! 
Stay tuned for my DIY gifts!

{Daily Odd Compliment: If you're reading this, you have nice legs. And can read. Congrats on both, friend.}

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Good Draco Von Jody

Recently, I had the unfortunate task of saying good-bye to our dog.

Draco, the giant schnauzer, was a great dog. Unfortunately, he had hip issues for as long as we had him. Near the end of his life, I tried a few different things to help the pain, but nothing seemed to make him comfortable enough to be happy. 

Having a dog is a wonderful thing. This dog wasn't living life to the fullest, so it wasn't fair to keep him around for my own sake. 

Near the end of his life, I made sure he saw as many of his dog and human friends as possible, gave him lots of treats (including a people breakfast as his last meal), and brought him to the park and water as often as his pain would allow me to. 

This is the first time since I had to say good-bye that I have thought about him for so long without crying. The pain has subsided significantly, and though he could never be replaced, I now feel I would be ready to accept another dog into my home. 

Draco had a good home here, and he is missed. Thank you, Draco, for all the love you brought to our lives.  

I would also like to thank The Kemptville Animal Hospital. Their staff are absolutely amazing and helped make this difficult time go as smoothly as possible. They are knowledgable, kind, and patient! I highly recommend them! Plus, they have photo albums on Facebook of their patients! Adorable! 

{Daily Odd Compliment: You're like mathematics. A little difficult at times, but worth getting to know}

Friday, 22 May 2015

Me Without My Cape

Time Out. 

I like to think that I'm a reasonable person. 
I have goals, I make plans, and I get shit done. But sometimes, I like to focus on other things. 

I've been working decently hard lately (with the extraordinary help of my mother) for my business. I wake up thinking about furniture. I make dinner while wondering how to order a sign for my front yard. I clean scrapes off my 3 year old while thinking about future events and how to market them. 

Every. Single. Day. 

But there's something else that occupies real estate in my brain. A something, that happens to be a someone. I'm not talking about the 3 year old overgrown leech, but rather, the someone that lives too far for me to want to think of in terms of a number... But I know it by heart... 3319 km. 

Anyone who has ever been (or currently is) in a long distance, will tell you that only seeing someone sporadically, is the worst feeling. You know that moment when you were playing the original Mario and you were down to one life, just to get hit by Bowser? It's like that. 

Every. Single. Day. 

Random phone calls and texts are just as awesome as finishing a level, but you know that there's evil lurking around the next corner, and in a long distance relationship - it's the night. Bowser ain't got shit on the feels that appear after nightfall! 

But it's not all bad. Just like any other relationship (romantic or not), there are many a few perks to maintaining a friendship across the country. 

1. You get to hear about the weather - as is happens - in a different time zone! 
Ok, so we don't usually associate weather with excitement, but when someone you care about is sitting in the bright afternoon sun, and you have just watched it go down, it's basically like being able to tell them the future. "Don't worry, you won't need your sunglasses in 2 hours." It's exciting. 

2. Since you know that you won't get to see this person daily, every text is like a rainbow, being poured from a pot of gold by a leprechaun, riding a unicorn. 

3. And then there's snail mail - my personal favourite! 
Whether it's a card to say hi, or 2 giant bags of chocolate that you receive for Valentine's day (even though you both agreed not to do anything), it means a great deal that someone is thinking of you like that. 

I often ask myself whether or not I am making the right choice by starting my own business, from scratch, by myself. I don't think the answer to that will come easily, so sometimes it's nice to shut my brain off and just appreciate that there are people around me who are here for me. To all those who have helped me get to this point, both near and far, I thank you greatly. 

Life doesn't hand us 3 lives, nor does it give us the option to cheat our way into being immortal, but it does give us the chance to try new things, and that's the part that I like to go for. I may not be making the all the right decisions now, but I feel pretty confident that some of my left turns will lead me to some kick ass things too. 

That's the part of me that's human. No supermom cape. 

{Daily Odd Compliment:  I like you as much as a cat likes to be left alone. "Don't touch me." That was the cat}

Monday, 23 March 2015

The Ball is Rolling

 When I launched myself into this project, I told myself to do at least 1 thing a day (big or small) for Travelling Tails.

So far, I have bought a cabinet that was too big to fit in the car,
 ripped wallpaper off of many, many walls,
 then patched and painted those walls,
and all while having the company of many dogs, 
On the days when the 3 year old doesn't have a nap, and cries because Barbie's clothes don't fit perfectly - it's more of a challenge. There are days, like in any other job, where I want to run to the creek and see for myself, exactly how far it stretches. The difference now, is that I don't walk into my house and feel a sense of loss. I haven't lost time with my family, nor have I spent time getting to and from a job that makes me feel like I'm losing a piece of myself. I have, however, been able to watch my son learn things (and repeat them 400 times a day), and I have already felt like a member of this community by simply being here. I don't feel the stress of having to clean my house when I'm exhausted, because I'm not the same kind of exhausted. I am still waiting for the day when the Professor sleeps through the night, but for now, it just means more bed sit ups for me to work off my 10 pm snacking!
Have I done at least 1 thing a day for the bed and breakfast? Yup.
Is it measurable to everyone outside of this house? Nope.
Will it be super awesome when everything is done? Pff, heck yes!
I am very grateful for the help of my mother! She pushes me to do a little bit more everytime she's here, and without her, I wouldn't be as far along as I am. I want to have all my painting done in the next couple of weeks, so there's no slowing down now!
Here's what my painting list looks like now..
Guest bedroom 1 - walls, trim
Guest bedroom 2 - walls, trim
Entrance and hallway - walls, trim
Dining room - walls, trim
I feel like I have been painting forever, but when I look at the list, I just want to stop typing and get to painting! Here's hoping I can say goodbye to the paint cans by my sister's birthday!

Speaking of painting.. did you know that I have launched my very first contest?? If you answered no to that, click on the highlighted link to enter for your chance to win a $25 Wal-Mart gift card! Hurry though, I'm making my decison on Wednesday! If surveys are more your thing, you're in luck because I have 2 of those you can fill out that would provide me with useful information for my bed and breakfast!
And as always, don't hesitate to contact me! Follow along as my progress continues!

{Daily Odd Compliment: I honestly think you can do anything you put your mind to. But I know what kind of thoughts you have, so maybe hold off on that for now.}

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Another Chapter

So I recently posted that something big was happening.

The word has leaked and the ball is rolling - I am opening up Travelling Tails Bed and Breakfast soon!

I am very much looking forward to this new adventure.
I have taken a leave of absence from my government job, to pursue a lifestyle that includes the love of dogs, while spending a lot more quality time with my kids.
I don't want to spill a whole lot yet, but I will say this - I'm setting up this Bed and Breakfast to try something new in the community, by bringing in dog lovers, and younger people who may not normally travel to such accommodations with their families. Bed and Breakfasts aren't typically geared towards all you pet lovers, so I'm bringing this to the table. My pooch will lovingly greet your pooch at the door, and my family friendly environment will keep him tired for the duration of your stay!
Can't wait to share with you all that I have planned! My fantastic friend, Lisa, is hard at work in the background to make my ideas come to life!
Don't forget to 'like' my page to catch all the updates and contests!
Happy sunny Wednesday and thanks for stopping by!
{Daily Odd Compliment: I like having you around because my weirdness doesn't look so weird when you're doing it too.}

Friday, 13 February 2015

What Dreams May Come

Wow. It's been too long since I have written. The half-a$$ed craft room attempt doesn't count. There has been a major life shift and dealing with it has not been the easiest, but for now, let's take a look at the present..

I'm feeling grateful for a multitude of things in my life, and it has given me a reason to push forward. I'm not one to stay stagnant. I do well with change and for that reason, am constantly seeking it.

This day is no exception. 
I have something pretty big up my sleeve and I can't wait to scream it to the world.
Can't wait to put up a sign in front of my house (not an apartment building).
Life doesn't wait, so I won't have to wait too long to showcase my skills and the things I love to do. Of course, dogs will be involved in this, because as I stated in my post about dog love, dogs are a necessary part of my life now. It's just how it is.

So, I will be keeping up with this blog more as I venture out on my own, away from the comforts of a government desk. Hope you will follow along with me!

{Daily Odd Compliment: I don't mind being alone, but I'd rather be with you.}